De Struise Black Albert

$ 6.99

Originally brewed by Belgian brewery De Struise for Ebenezer's in Lovell, Black Albert has long been considered one of the best Imperial Stouts in the world. First time we have seen these bottles in a couple years. Here is the description from the brewery: "Pours a blacker than black beer with an inch of dark tan head that lingers as it cascades into itself. Nice aroma of bitter-sweet chocolate, fresh roasted coffee beans, barley, candy sugar, complex fruits, and floral hops. At the front, there is spiced baker’s chocolate, fresh mocha, caramel like barley touches, and underlying hints of dried fruits which marries the back of your palate and features a Top, and well integrated but not overbearing hop flavour. The after-taste is well balanced and shows a panorama of extreme sensations like chocolate and coffee bitters, a plum cake richness that covers the palate, and a crisp impression of hop bitters that brings elegance and freshness into this massive brew."

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